The following are some amazing testimonials I received from some recent clients. I’m hearing similar statements and seeing great results from many clients with the combination of my Advanced Rolfing® Structural Integration work, hands-on neural tissue mobilization, and the use of the miraculous Erchonia PL5000 cold laser.
These testimonies are an example of the great range of possible issues people are dealing with, where they’ve sought treatment, and what has finally produced amazing benefits! It is my sincere desire to take everyone who comes to me for my Advanced Rolfing® work onto a similar road of progressive healing and physical/structural alignment and integration for a lifetime of future benefits!
“I have had the good fortune to work with a few of the best bodyworkers in the world – Robert is one of them. I cannot say enough about his skill, and how he helped to shift some long-held patterns in particular in my left foot, calf, and hip. The use of the cold laser as additional healing support is particularly interesting as it vibrated through and melted deeply held fascia patterning in my left foot. Whenever I am near Santa Barbara I will always stop in for more powerful healing and alignment work.“
– Sean LeClaire, President of the SCL Group (
“After just one treatment from Robert with the cold laser for some very painful and annoying symptoms of plantar fasciitis on the bottom of my right foot – it was amazing because I experienced immediate results and an enormous reduction in the acute pain. It put me on a direct path of resolving this issue and pain I was experiencing – and all the problems it was causing me! I’ve been getting Rolfed for many, many years now and Robert is definitely one of the best!“
– Tim Sobczak
“Having experienced a number of Rolfers over the past 30 years, Robert is hands down the absolute best! I myself have been a professional massage therapist for over 25 years. I experienced Robert to be a true master healer with a very sincere and comprehensive approach. In addition, I have had multiple sessions with his cold laser on my back and thumbs, and experienced immediate pain relief and ease of motion with lasting results.“
– Robert Place, Santa Barbara
“My experience with Robert and the cold laser was an immediate relaxation of the muscles and ligaments in my sacral area where I had been experiencing a lot of pain. That evening I was able to go to sleep without any distraction from discomfort – in the morning, I woke up pain free! I was pain free for 5 days! I then had another session with Robert and the cold laser – and still to this very day – I have not experienced that same pattern of pain in the same area. I continue to see Robert on a maintenance basis – it helps me feel integrated and fluid in my body and benefits my very active life style, the tension and stiffness from exercise, and a highly focused profession.”
– Diane Cook, Medical Intuitive/Healer (
“The laser was a really great tool Robert used during our Rolfing sessions. It helped loosen up tight muscles and helped with gastrointestinal issues I have been having for four years. I found it helped bring my body back into balance and deal with problematic areas.”
– Jesse Lopez-Low, Foundation Trainer (
“Working with Robert has been my first introduction to Rolfing. I can honestly say the experience has been nothing short of transformative. My body feels balanced and pain free. This has been such an amazing piece in my overall journey towards better health and well being. I find Robert to be wise and professional and a master at his art.“
– Kristen Hawkes, Santa Barbara, CA
“I have had a personal, first-hand experience with the Erchonia PL5000 cold laser used on my own self! It was for a knee issue (meniscus tear) that the best knee doctor specialist in town wanted to do surgery for. Now, with the use of the laser combined with some Advanced Rolfing® structural bodywork, I have had a near 100% complete reduction of the symptoms I was previously experiencing and have no need - AT ALL - to go through with surgery!!!”
– Robert J. Cumming, Certified Advanced Rolfer™
Dear Robert,
I am telling all my friends and doctors that after only three sessions of Rolfing, you have done more for me than in the entire last two years of working within the medical field!
When I first came to you I could barely walk and was bent to the right due to scoliosis, which forced me to use a cane the last two plus years to stay upright. After only a few sessions, however, I became excited that I was actually beginning to walk normally. Now, after five sessions, I CAN DANCE AGAIN!!! EVEN A GENTLE RUMBA! Thank you – thank you for making my biggest dream come true! If you’ve ever wanted to learn ballroom, I can teach again!
I turned to doctors and medications because I thought I had exhausted all the alternative methods…but I hadn’t!! Now I believe I was guided to Rolfing and to you specifically! I’m also beginning to believe that I *can* change my mind about living a life of limitation due to the serious issues in my spine, which most doctors I’ve seen over the last two years have indicated. Counseling has helped me deal with mental and emotional pain, but *did nothing for the years of stored tension in my body’s connective, muscular tissues*. I look forward to peeling off another layer of body tension. I am eager to feel whole; no, I want to feel totally ‘integrated’.
For many years [before allowing my awareness to come to the surface] I experienced only ‘shallow’ breathing, except during meditation when I’d experience many big and long sighs. However, after the first two Rolfing sessions with you I am breathing more deeply and it feels exhilarating and freeing – I actually feel “lighter.”
I am *so* aware and exhilarated about the positive effects of Rolfing that I almost feel like I’m walking a few inches off the ground! I can hardly wait the few days between sessions to continue building on what has been accomplished so far. I cannot thank you enough for your knowledge, reinforcement and your own confidence during each Rolfing session – that also is helpful to me!
With deepest appreciation, Namaste my Master Rolfer
– Elizabeth, Santa Barbara, CA
Dear Robert,
You are a miracle worker.
Last summer, my knees were so bad, I couldn’t walk. Sometimes, my left knee would “give way” and I would collapse to the floor in pain. It felt as if suddenly there was no tension to hold the bones of my leg in place. There was no pattern as to when this would happen. It was completely unpredictable. And it was scary. Sometimes it would give way as I descended the stairs. When I had to carry my son down the stairs, I felt terrified. Sometimes, both knees had so much inflammation, I could see that they had swollen to nearly twice their size. It was painful to walk. I could not bend either of my knees fully—not even after stretching. And I did a lot of that. It felt as though my muscles were tight and stiff, and I couldn’t relax them. Being a mother of a 2-year-old, I’m not allowed to stop. To meet his needs, I literally had to bear crawl up the stairs and creep like a lizard around the floor to get from place to place.
Emotionally, this was devastating. I had lost confidence in my ability to walk and to carry my child. I could no longer squat down to talk to my son eye to eye. I had so much trouble getting up and down off the floor, I was playing with him less often. I couldn’t run after my son on the playground or on the beach. And I noticed how it affected my relationship with my son. This affected my confidence in myself as a mother. How surprising that my knees could be so intricately tied with confidence and stability!
What was going on with my knees? I went to a knee specialist to run some tests. X-rays and MRI’s revealed four problems:
- the tissue surrounding my kneecap was pulling it out of the groove
- I have bone spurs on each knee
- I have a meniscal tear on each knee (causing the sensation of my knee feeling like it was snagging on something, before it would give way)
- I have almost no cartilage behind my kneecap and between my leg bones on both knees
And of course the specialist suggested surgery to correct the first 3 problems. The surgeon said that, if I weren’t so young (42), I would be a good candidate for knee replacement surgery.
There had to be another alternative to surgery. The surgeon wanted to cut away tissue to alleviate the problem. But, don’t I need this tissue?
After reading an exhaustive number of scientific articles, I realized that:
- it was likely that too much fuzz had built up between the myofascia and it was causing the kneecap to go out of the groove.
- bone spurs are the least of my problem
- I need the pillow between my supportive leg bones—even if it is torn. Studies show that cutting the meniscus doesn’t help.
- At the time of this writing, there was nothing that would put the cartilage back in my knee that I had lost.
I apologized to my knees, “I’m so sorry! I had treated you so badly. What can I do to make it up to you? Please give me another chance. I’ll take care of you much better this time.”
And then, Robert, I found your Rolfing website.
I came to you, hoping to solve 3 problems:
- stop my knees from giving way
- address my knees so they could bend all the way to allow myself to squat down and relate better with my son
- to address my musculature and knees so that I could get up and down off of the ground again.
So I booked a series of 10 sessions, which we completed within 8 weeks. I was leaving to go overseas, and wanted to get the full benefit before I left for a year.
Robert, you did it! You are a true Healer.
I felt better after my first session. By the 3rd session, my knees stopped giving way altogether and the pain was gone. By my 6th session, I had full movement of my knees. By the 10th session, I could do squats, and get up and down off the ground easily.
And then I wondered whether the results would last. Well, I’m writing this to you 2 months later. And it has!
There is not a day that goes by that I don’t send you gratitude. You gave me my life back. I’m able to run and play with my son on the playground. I can get up and down on the ground easily. I can lift him and carry him and my knees are stable. My son and I walk every day together now. And sometimes he gets tired, and I carry him on my back a few miles home.
Yes, I’m walking several miles each day now! And all without pain. And I don’t take any pain medication either. Or ice. I don’t need it!
And I’m bicycling again. We’re biking everywhere. We’ve biked to the next town and in the countryside. I’m still slow and gentle with my knees, however, every day I can do a little bit more and go a little bit farther.
And this has boosted my confidence in myself and as a mother. My relationship with my son is stronger than it has ever been. I am so grateful for that.
Robert, you gave me so much more than just the function of my knees. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for giving me my LIFE back!
With much gratitude,
– Angela Berenstein, Santa Barbara, CA
Even one of my best friends, Bucky, has progressed through some of my Advanced Rolfing® work into the adductor and psoas core areas (like the 4th and 5th traditional Rolfing sessions!). I’ve used the PL5000 cold laser on Bucky extensively – with wonderful results every time! He’s pictured just afterward structurally integrating the work – looking BEAUTIFUL & feeling SPECTACULAR!!!!!!! YOU CAN LOOK & FEEL THAT AMAZING TOO!!!!!!!!!
Calvin’s daddy has gone through the 10 series program and a number of further advanced sessions, all of which I’ve used the PL5000 cold laser – most often with instantaneous muscle strengthening results. Calvin was there for every session, often wanting to get in the door to give his own assessment of how things were going! Calvin came to know me well enough that I was able to give him a little hands on work too, on his back – and we even progressed to his stomach at one point! (The traditional Rolfing session #5 area.)