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The Secret to Becoming Integrated Physically & Energetically on all Levels for the Ultimate State of Health – The truly holistic approach vrs. contemporary medicine & many practices!


The Secret to Becoming Integrated on all Levels for the Ultimate State of Health; Physically & Energetically – The truly holistic approach vrs. contemporary medicine & many practices!


Unify your – *Structure & Inner Being* – Get Integrated on all Levels: physically, as well as, on multiple energetic levels!

ROLFING LITTLE BOY LOGO FROM MICHAEL VILAIN #2This article draws upon the major precepts of Dr. Ida P. Rolf’s own work – the originator of the Rolfing® Structural Integration process – and also from Certified Advanced Rolfer, Thomas W. Myers, who is very well-known within the entire bodywork field & health community for his publication, “Anatomy Trains, Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists“.

The article is a testament to why I’ve had so many amazing experiences in my Advanced Rolfing® Structural Integration practice, the absolutely amazing experiences of my clients, and the amazing state of body awareness & higher state of consciousness of my clients I’ve had come in over, especially the last 5 years.


With the upswing in consciousness of the world, more & more people are evolving into a greater state of health & functioning at an unprecedented level.  Individuals – more than ever before – are ascending to higher levels of consciousness.  In my practice, we’re grounding those higher states of consciousness & awareness into a fully organized & functional body, simultaneously, corresponding with an optimal state of somatic body awareness for the best of health on all levels.

Walking Picture

In my Structural Integration practice I always assess movement of the body’s structure – particularly how the legs are tracking (straight, or not) & how that movement is landing down on the feet and translating up through the pelvis and into the contralateral movement of the spine.  Also: how is the shoulder girdle, neck & head moving in relationship to the movement of the spine?

The health field is fraught with medical professionals, body workers, trainers, writers, etc., who all espouse different methods for approaching the way the human structure should be healed of a variety of injuries and weaknesses, or should be strengthened in certain ways to obtain better activation of areas in the body that are not functioning as desired.

So many of these approaches only work with isolated parts, joints, vertebrae, or muscles, etc., of the body – as Thomas W. Myers pointed out in his book “Anatomy Trains” and Dr. Ida P. Rolf herself elaborated about throughout her writings & in her teachings to the greater health community; particularly to Chiropractic & Osteopathic Doctors.

Thomas Myers:

Anatomy Trains Book Cover

“Almost everyone in Pilates, yoga, and training worlds [also Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, etc.] will think of short or adhered fascia: “What is too short, too long, too strong, and too weak?”  But they do not think in terms of the interrelationships of fascial planes.  It is not a question of which muscle is too short or which muscle is over active or which muscle is not active enough – it is that the fascial planes have gone out of relationship with each other.


How do I treat injuries?  How can I get injuries to heal faster?  How can I prevent injuries from happening?  Actually, most injuries are fascial injuries: there are very few muscle injuries – most injuries are in the fascial system.

Injury treatment is where, perhaps, knowledge of fascia as a system is the most applicable.”



Dr. Ida P. Rolf’s main point to the Chiropractic and Osteopathic professions she collaborated and with instructed to for over 40 years:

“We say that the bony spine is a secondary index; the spine is where it is by virtue of where the soft tissues [fascial sytem] are.”




Pic 1: Energetic Body With Etheric Pole (running down into Earth, up into Sky)



Pic 2: Physical Body With Plumb Line Alignment (Through ear, to shoulder, to hip, to knee, to ankle.)

I was just reading an article about plantar fasciitis that embellished upon all the interrelationships of the body; particularly in this case, the relationship of the feet to all those muscles above in lower leg, upper leg & pelvis.   A main point of this article is that the larger muscles attaching into the pelvis will be directly affecting the ability of the feet to move in all 4 directions, as well as, arching up or down. This may very well be the case – however, the ROM of the entire spine & all above will also make an impact into how the weight of the body is dropping down through to the feet and into the ground.

When the body is *structurally integrated* – optimal functioning of all the agonist & antagonists muscle relationships throughout the entire structure are balanced & symmetrical. When that kind of organized, symmetrical functioning is optimal, then the transition of tensional forces throughout the structure is balanced (rather than getting locked up in any one area/joint/muscle, etc.) and the firing of muscles will also be balanced – no *one muscle* will be encouraged to be stronger or weaker than another.

When the body is optimally *structurally integrated* – the likelihood of multiple, various issues, chronic symptoms, injuries, etc. will all be less of an issue & the body will perform with the greatest capacity to utilize energy without wasting it, maintain overall optimal body awareness, and function at its fullest potential.

When your body is *structurally integrated* – your multiple *energetic fields* will likewise glow with greater organization & clarity.  Then your physique will reflect & move in relationship to the greater perfection of your Inner Being. What then is in store for you is your evolution into your greatest functional, physical capacity & ascension into your highest state of grounded Spirituality!

Then the physical plumb line relationship of perfect alignment (Picture 2) becomes completely “aligned”, attuned, and at “one” with the energetic, etheric pole (Picture 1) that runs down into the Earth & up into the Sky and all your other energetic fields surrounding your physical body.

If you’re ever feeling out of balance in some way, having such a balance between the physical & energetic realities will allow you to check into your Inner-Self/Being to become better centered and in balance with your physical body and greater outward reality; functional movement & body awareness, social connecting, and harmonizing with the greater whole world reality.


Ancient “Caduceus” Symbol of Hermes used as the U.S. Medical Logos, overlayed with the 7 main Chakras of the Energetic Body

The ancient Greek “caduceus” symbol that is used in the United States for the medical logos, heralds from a time when knowledge of the etheric pole that runs up & down through the body on the energetic level, could be tapped into by a healer (or perhaps, metamorphosed by a structural integrator/Rolfer by mobilizing the physical structure & attuning to and transmuting the energetic field).  The goal would be to balance the female and male energies (in the logos – the snakes rapping around the pole) that traverse up & down through the energetic chakra system, bringing balance to any irregularities in their vibrational frequencies to heal any physical ailments & create better health on all levels.

When the individual is *structurally integrated* on both the physical & energetic levels, natural balancing on both levels results and – the person becomes one’s own healer – with all levels of one’s being fully functioning in an optimal state for the best of health.

Or, from another perspective, as Dr. Ida Rolf would also say:

“Gravity itself becomes the therapist!”


 Dr. Ida P. Rolf, from her landmark 1977 book that put the term – “FASCIA” – on the road map of the entire bodywork & health field:

ROLFING Ida's Book Cover

“The practitioner of Structural Integration separates the confusion of random fascial structure and re-relates it around a vertical line with new appropriateness.


True verticality, the goal of Structural Integration, is more than a figment of the imagination.  Indeed, it is very real; it is a functional phenomenon, a line around which the body’s energy force fields balance.  Again, these energy forces are not abstract; they manifest in real myofascial material structures.


All too often, people who are predominantly interested in their psychic development [yoga, meditation, religious practices, etc.] fail to realize that psychic awareness is best grounded in and supported by a physical body whose sensitivity and sturdiness allow psychic events to occur naturally and with adequate support.  The stable structure afforded by an adequate mesodermal system has a much more important role in the channeling of psychic energies than is usually recognized.


Through its vertical stance, the organism is no longer earth-bound; the vertical expresses an energy relation between earth and sun.  As order evolves, a gravity/antigravity structural organization defines itself, and this basic polarity, rooted in the earth, expresses in terms of vertical lift.


To the extent that its energy fields remain symmetrical, randomizing deterioration of an organic system – physical or chemical – is slowed.  Biological time in such system expresses itself more slowly than chronological time.



My Rolfing Structural Integration clients can have truly life-transforming experiences with this work/science/*art*.  It is amazing when these multiple fields of energy  surrounding and permeating through the physical body (karmic/Dharmic & otherwise) become unified into one’s present moment-to-moment experience.  It becomes a feedback mechanism to gauge every movement, thought, and action in relationship to – so that the most harmonious, desirable manifestation of one’s desires & goals becomes more effortless and instantaneous.

When someone comes in – and all *this* happens (beyond just the physical results of the body structurally integrating into a higher level of functioning – more free from chronic symptoms, etc.) – it’s always as if it was *meant to be*; that it’s at that most perfect time of their life to harmonize, transform, and transition into a higher ascended state of Being & Living.


The main Chakras & corresponding colors indicating the current physical, emotional, and spiritual state

These greater energetic results of the work can only happen to the degree of which all those levels of reality of the other person are ready & can assimilate into my own field – such that we can elevate together on the subtle, etheric planes into that spiraling energy of transformation, then back through the cocoon & birthing of a newly organized physical structure that now can uphold all the newly organized energetic fields.

That’s when clients have the *most* awesome, amazing experiences – and I feel so fortunate & gifted to be a part of that & to witness it unfolding right before my eyes!





What else did Dr. Ida P. Rolf say?

“The last time this knowledge was around – was during the building of the Great Pyramids!”


Santa Barbara Sunset

Just like the ancient pyramids – it’s all about harnessing the Infinite Energy of the *Cosmos* down to the physical Earth Plane & into the present-moment-reality of your ongoing physical, functional existence.  That’s the highest state of *Structural Integration* you’ll ever be transformed into to become your own - self-healing healer - and be able to experience for the best of your own Vitality & Well-Being“!!!

pyramids in triangle of hands













